Friday, May 10, 2013

Transitioning Contract

Hey guys. I am soo sorry that I have not been putting any posts up. I promise to try harder. Anyways, I have had microbraids for about two months now and it is past time for me to take them down. I have  been buying  hair items needed for my Healthy Hair Journey. I have to take this hair thing seriously if I want Healthy hair. Length is not important to me, health is. With that said, I have made an hair Contract. Read and enjoy!

Transitioning Contract

I, Christinia Jones, vow to complete my transition to natural hair. I vow to take care of y hair and protective styles. I vow to not flat iron to match textures, only to flat iron for special occasions, length checks and clipping of ends. I vow to take my time with my hair. I vow not to get off track, by the natural Nazis. I vow to stay encouraged and not compare my hair to others. I vow to pray to God with help with this process. I vow to never ever relax my hair again. I vow to stay consistent and nurture my hair. I vow to eat right and drink plenty of water. I vow to disregard negative comments and welcome good ones. I vow to have fun with my hairstyles. I vow to keep my hair in braids 85% of this transition. I vow to give my hair a chance since nobody else would. I vow to love my hair no matter what hair texture it is. I vow to go natural!


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