Saturday, August 10, 2013

Operation: Get Hair Healthy and Thick

Hey guys,

Since my hair starting point post, I have gotten micro braids. I really like them and I when I first started growing my hair out, I wore them back to back for a half a year and my hair was soo healthy. I decided to do that again along with other things. Here is my plan...

1. Take biotin. I get mines from Dollar General for $2!                

2. Drink 48 oz of water a day.(Three bottles of water)

3. Wear Micro Braids for 3-4 Months, take hair down for two weeks then put hair back into braids.

4. Trimming of thin ends until they are gone.

5. Patience! Hair growth takes time!

I know alot of people want hair to their waist and beyond but I just want my hair to be thick and healthy no matter how long it is. Besides, Shoulder-Length is long enough for me. I know this plan will work because I have done it before, just gotta have patience!

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