Thursday, June 13, 2013

Relaxers are calling my name.......but I refuse to give in.

I was sitting in my room thinking, " What am going to do with my hair??!!". As a transitioner with short hair I don't have many options. I also dont know how to do the "curly" hairstyles. I was about to give up and throw in the towel when i thought about all the setbacks I had with relaxers....


thinning aka hair you can see through


and so many more cons. I have been relaxed my whole life and I am tired of these thing happening to my hair just because i want to be like everyone else and have a relaxer. I am DONE with relaxers. POINT BLANK PERIOD. Not saying everyone has these problem with relaxers, I am just saying I do. With that being said I have to make a strict regimen plus a styling regimen that I will stick to religiously. I will make a tab labeled hair journal that you guys can look into that will be updated daily. I will also be making a tab labeled wash day to document weekly wash days. It is time I get serious if I wanna whip my hair back in shape. lol I will be doing a post on my regimen ideas so look out for that. What do you guys think I should to with my hair (styling wise) ?

love, Christinia

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