Thursday, July 18, 2013

I failed once.....but I don't plan on failing again.

Hey guys, I recently failed on something, you guessed it. Transitioning! I gave in into the creamy crack after my last,last wash day. I couldn't take all the new growth and I didn't take out the time to really take care of my hair. Hair is hair and there will be more new growth to come. This time around I need to do three things: keep it simple, listen to my hair, and have patience! I need to stop making empty promises to my self and I need to keep thinking realistically about what to expect out of my hair. When I wasn't  doing that, I set my self up for failure. So it will be more posts on natural and transitioning hair, and there WILL be an inspiration page full of women with gorgeous hair. I WILL NOT listen to others (My step mom Chanel) that doubt my hair growing abilities.Length is not everything but health is!

no more of these...

but more of these.....  (better quality, of course)  

and a VERY simple regimen that will be in my regimen tab and the style tab....DONE! I will just keep my 
hair in simple buns and ask my very talented aunt to help me with "curly" hair styles once I have a lot of new growth. It's time that I get my hair in shape and once it is, I can have soo many options with it! For this day forth, I promise to take care of my hair! ( official start of healthy hair journey)

❤ Christinia 

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