Saturday, July 6, 2013

Wash Day- Saturday July 6

Hey guys, for the first time today I am taking you through my wash day. My mom took down my box braids after 1 month and I had so much build up/lint! I knew that detangling and washing was going to be super hard but it had to be done. Without further ado, lets get started.

1. I lightly detangled with a wide tooth comb.(I know in my Hair Regimen A, I said I would finger detangle but a comb was the only way. I then divided my hair into four and secure them with clips.

2. I did a hot oil treatment, contrasting on my ends, edges, and scalp. I did a light scalp massage and put a bag over my head. While I waited I played with my sister, Maya and watched my favorite show, Law and Order:SVW.

3. Next, I rinsed the hot oil treatment out and the struggle begin. I was finished clarifying my hair when I noticed that it was still lint in my hair! I ended up shampooing my a hair a total of five times when the usual is two. Even then it was still lint in my hair. I then used my Suave Naturals, to lightly detangle my hair because it was a tangled, dry mess! (Let me say,I love this rinise-out! It made my hair so soft!)

4. I applied my DIY Extra Deep conditioner and went under the dryer. As I was under the dryer, I watched a few YouTube videos, talked to my sister, and stared at the wall. I stayed under the dryer for 15 mintues, let my hair cool for 10 then I rinsed.

5. I wrapped my hair in my turbie towel for a few minutes. I then applied my diy leave in and Got2b Oil by sections and banded my hair. I applied Castor oil to my edges and nape because 1)they are the driest parts of my hair 2)I am working on growing them out. Once I got done banding, I had a total of 7 bands. I also applied some more got2b oil to each section.

 6.(I most definitely am going to have to use some type of protein in my hair next week, because it's stretching too much and snapping like twigs!) It was so late that I decided to go to bed and finish my hair in the morning.
*update. Got up in the middle of the night and blow dried my hair. I placed my hair in a bun and tied it down.
I promise my next was day won't be so long. lol
(sorry, didn't take any pictures)

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